Jumplinks to Student Questions:
00:00:23 - Introduction
00:15:08 - Do you have tips on maintaining focus when practicing challenging 4 way coordination exercises
00:28:27 - Thoughts on practicing rudiments
00:34:00 - If you are blind in one eye, does it effect your hand movement in both hands?
00:38:42 - Is there a speed component to the neural pathway development or is it the rhythm being programmed?
00:41:45 - Best methods of practice to develop neural plasticity
00:56:35 - How long should you practice on exercise before moving on to another exercise?
01:03:00 - Thoughts on "handedness"
01:05:16 - What are some good feedback mechanisms for our practice?
01:09:33 - How do endorsements work?
01:11:43 - If I'm not splintering my sticks during rimshot, am I playing with poor technique
01:12:28 - Should a 68 drummer approach practice differently than an 18yr old?
01:20:15 - Can you talk about your work with Thomas Jefferson hospital, I have a child with Down's Syndrome, and am interested in the work you are doing.
01:24:41 - What is your approach on learning music with full time job, family, etc. & Pros and Cons of joining a music school vs an online private instructor
01:31:20 - What is the best way to play along to music?
01:38:24 - How did you write songs for Frank Sinatra
01:39:42 - How long do neural pathways last after a break?
01:45:18 - Thoughts on creativity exercises, and how do you spark creativity during your practice time?
02:06:32 - Housekeeping