Live Stream Q&A – 8.21.19
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02:20 – What do you think the impact of silent stroke drum products are? Are they helpful?
06:38 – When do you use rim shots?
08:45 – If the rest of the band makes a mistake, do you go along, or try to get back on track??
13:32 – How do you pick what size drumstick to start with?
16:20 – What do you do when the bass player is playing at a faster tempo than you are?
21:46 – Can you use brushes for anything other than jazz?
22:50 – When are the adjustments to the beginner tracks going to happen?
28:29 – How goes the search for the new studio?
33:09 – Can you explain the middle finger fulcrum?
40:27 – Do you use your index finger as a guide for your middle finger grips?
50:34 – When playing triplets in jazz, is the let the same as and, and when playing eight notes?